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Cultivation Guide for Nepenthes rajah: The King of Pitcher Plants​

Called the king of pitcher plants, Nepenthes rajah does indeed deserve its title. It is a magnificent species, possessing pitchers considered to be the largest in the genus, easily containing more than a liter of fluid! Such large vessels allow it to catch a much broader spectrum of prey than other, smaller species. For this reason, its list of victims is reputed to include rats—though this is purportedly only true during times of drought when water is scarce, and the animals fall prey to the lure of moisture inside the pitchers. In any case, this exotic denizen of Borneo’s Mt. Kinabalu has been admired since the 19th century for its beauty and size, and in Victorian times, its cultivation was considered the province of only the consummate horticulturist. But does this stricture still hold? Can today’s Nepenthes enthusiast succeed in growing this "royal" plant? I believe that with an honest effort to meet its needs—and with sufficient space and time—almost anyone can enjoy growing this plant, if not to outright maturity, at least to an appreciable size.

Considerations Before Growing Nepenthes rajah

Before launching into cultivation techniques, there are a few points to consider. First, do not attempt to grow this plant unless you are willing to invest sufficient time and effort! It is a living entity, worthy of respect for that reason alone. Moreover, it remains a rare species, even if modern tissue culture techniques have made it available for a relatively modest price. Additionally, even under optimal conditions, it takes years to reach a reasonable size (50 cm or more) and may require over five years to grow to maturity. If you are not in this for the long haul, it is probably best to grow one of the many other, more readily cultivated Nepenthes species instead.

Space is another crucial factor. Nepenthes rajah is justifiably famous for its size, reaching a diameter of 1.3 m with vines easily exceeding 1.6 m in length. It is unsuitable for terrariums or other small-scale environments. However, if you can provide the nocturnal cooling it requires (see below), it can be grown in a walk-in growing chamber or a full-size greenhouse.


Environmental Requirements

Nepenthes rajah is a montane species, growing at elevations of 1500 to 2700 m. It requires warm days (25–30°C) and cool nights (10–15°C). Failure to provide these conditions will doom your plant or, at best, stunt its growth. While seedlings may tolerate warm nights for some time, mature plants require consistently low nighttime temperatures. Those who have attempted to circumvent this requirement have invariably lost their plants to fungal predation and rot. Do not make the same mistake.

Humidity must remain high, with relative humidity above 75%. While brief fluctuations are tolerated, sustained low humidity will hinder pitcher formation. I do not subject my plants to relative humidity below 40%. Methods for maintaining humidity vary: for small spaces, an ultrasonic humidifier paired with a humidistat works well; for larger spaces, an impeller-driven humidifier like a Hydrofogger is a good option. The key is consistent high humidity without excessive saturation.



In the wild, N. rajah is often found in open areas and requires significant light. Natural sunlight is best, but if unavailable, high-efficiency LED grow lights work well. Aim for an intensity that gives developing leaves a bronzy tint, which fades as they mature. If leaves remain uniformly green, increase light levels. If leaf necrosis occurs, reduce intensity. Since this plant grows near the equator, a photo-period of 13–14 hours is suitable.


Growing Medium and Potting

Small plants grow well in a 1:1 mix of sphagnum moss and perlite. However, as they increase in size, a more open, coarse medium is required. Based on over 30 years of experience, I recommend coconut husk—it is airy, highly absorptive, and slow to degrade. However, it must be soaked in multiple changes of water for up to two weeks to remove residual salts. Skipping this step can kill your plants.

Wide pots are essential, as N. rajah develops an extensive root system to support its large pitchers. I use shallow, 45 cm diameter plastic pots, though my largest plants grow in 55-liter plastic sweater boxes with drainage holes. Plastic is preferred over clay, which tends to develop slime buildup.
Additionally, watch the growth of successive leaves:  if a plant has adequate root space and is well-fed and cared for, each new leaf should be larger than the last, up to the point of maturity.  However, if an immature plant is not increasing in size, and no obvious cause is evident, it is very likely that it has become root bound.  This is in keeping with the species' propensity for extensive root networks and this limitation must be addressed for proper growth to resume.  In this case, remove the plant from its pot and examine the root ball.  If roots are evident, it is definitely time to place in a much larger pot!  In general, it is advisable to re-pot this species every couple years and to always use the largest pots available.



Use purified water, particularly if your tap water contains salts or impurities. I use an RO (reverse osmosis) unit to supply large quantities of pure water. Do not let the plant sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot. Ensure all pots have adequate drainage.



Feeding is essential for N. rajah to thrive. I recommend MaxSea fertilizer, which can be poured full-strength into the pitchers. Typically, I fill pitchers one-third to one-half full. While insects can be used, they tend to create a foul smell. Whatever method you choose, feeding is a necessity for robust growth.



Nepenthes are dioecious, meaning they are either male or female. To produce true species seeds, both sexes must be available. If you are fortunate enough to have both, N. rajah can produce prolific seed crops. If only one sex is available, hybridization is an option, often resulting in stunning offspring with the large size and crimson color of N. rajah.

Both sexes produce large inflorescences, though developing flower spikes can initially appear deceptively small. Cuttings may be taken, but mature stems are difficult to root. I have succeeded with this method but have also failed numerous times. Air-layering or propagating basal shoots may yield better results.



For years, I have grown this species successfully using these methods. I have raised plants from 1 cm tissue culture specimens to over 20 cm in a little over a year and have brought plants to maturity in about five years. My plants have produced vines exceeding 2 m in length, with multiple large, rarely seen upper pitchers, and they flower multiple times per year.

Additionally, I have successfully produced species seed and hundreds of genetically unique N. rajah plants. Given that N. rajah is listed as a CITES Appendix I species due to its critically endangered status, I hope that increasing cultivated populations will help curb poaching and preserve genetic diversity in cultivation.

Ultimately, there is no great secret to growing N. rajah—only patience and care. May you, too, enjoy cultivating this incredible "king" of pitcher plants!

Happy growing! For photos and inspiration, visit my Instagram profile: NepenthesGod. 🌿

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